Getting married and hosting a wedding is an exciting, momentous event in anyone’s life. But it can also be a huge expense.
While most families are able to find a way to manage that expense, poor families in Israel often just can’t bear it. They will resort to taking out costly loans that will trap them in a lifetime of debt. And an occasion that should be one of great happiness and excitement becomes marred by disappointment and anxiety.
But American Friends of Yad Eliezer | B'ezri's Gitty Perkowski Adopt A Wedding Program changes that.
The program invites Jewish couples from around the world to share the joy of their happy occasion by sponsoring the wedding of a poor couple in Israel on the same date as their own. Not getting married right now? You can still bring joy to couples in need by sponsoring their wedding. Dates can be chosen from our Wedding Calendar, and sponsorships can be made in the merit of a refuah shleima, in honor of an anniversary or yartzheit, or for a myriad of other events and purposes. Giving tzedaka to this program is the perfect way to do the incredible mitzvah of hachnosas kallah.
Your very generous donation to our Adopt A Wedding program will make a real difference in the lives of so many. You will be replacing their worry and concern over wedding expenses, with happiness, excitement, and great relief. Imagine their joy as they reach their chuppah, unburdened by debt and able to fully celebrate one of the biggest moments of their lives.
There can be no better wedding gift than that.
Please donate today.
Click here for our beautiful Chuppah cards which are available with your wedding sponsorship.
And watch how Adopt A Wedding enhances simchas for both donors and recipients.
This fund was established to help orphan brides & grooms in need, by supplying them with brand new basic appliances, so they can set up their homes just like anyone else.
While we celebrate the holidays, IDF soldiers defend us on the front lines. Some of them live in poverty and cannot afford proper holiday meals. Let’s not forget them. Together we can give them a taste of the holidays!
We are here to anticipate the needs of victims' families, providing them with a shoulder to lean on while they try to make their way through this unimaginable crisis.